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Billy's Band - Stagger Lee




   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

   Hangin' out in a hood


   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

   Hangin' in a hood


It was back in '32 when times were hard

He had a Colt .45 and a deck of cards

He's got rat-drawn shoes and an old stetson hat

Had a '28 Ford, had payments on that


His woman threw him back to the ice and snow

She said, "Never ever come back no more"

So he walked through the rain and he walked through the mud

Till he came to a place called The Bucket Of Blood


   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

   Hangin' out in a hood


   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

   Hangin' in a hood


He said "Mr Motherfucker, you know who I am"

But the barkeeper said, "No, and I don't give a good goddamn"

He said, "Well bartender, it's plain to see

I'm that bad motherfucker called Stagger Lee"


Barkeep said, "Yeah, I've heard your name down the way

And I kick motherfucking asses like you every day"

Well those were the last words that the barkeep said

'Cause Stag put four holes in his motherfucking head


   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

   Hangin' out in a hood


   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

   Hangin' in a hood


I'm a one who fucker just pricker

Here are we are don't fucker my cheeker

Wou-wou-wou, here guy, you know

It is listening there, you


It was listen to story while what every know

Just listen me. You know you can't stop fool

It made my just who are know

Yes he making you, wait you, be the fucking noise


"I'm a bad motherfucker, don't you know. And I'll crawl

Over fifty good pussies just to get one fat boy's asshole"

Billy Dilly rolls in and he says, "You must be

That bad motherfucker called Stagger Lee"


"Yeah, I'm Stagger Lee and you better get down on your knees

And suck my dick, or you should be dead"

Billy Dilly dropped down and slobbered on his head

And Stag filled the motherfucker full of lead


   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

   Hangin' out in a hood


   This is the way things are going in a hood

   I'm just know them hood

 Hangin' in a hood


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