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Bob Dylan - Farewell Angelina

C F C Csus4 C
Farewell Angelina, the bells of the crown
F C Csus4 C
Are being stolen by bandits, I must follow the sound
F C (Baez=G) Csus4 C
The triangle tingles, the music plays slow
Am Em Am Em F C Csus4 C
But farewell Angelina, the night is on fire, and I must go

There is no use in talking and there's no need for blame
There is nothing to prove, everything still is the same
The table stands empty by the edge of the stream
But farewell Angelina, the sky's changing colors, and I must leave

The jacks and the queens they have forsake the courtyard
Fifty-two gypsies now file past the guard
In the space where the duece and the ace once ran wild
Farewell Angelina, the sky is folding, I'll see you after a while

See the cross-eyed pirate sit perched in the sun
Shooting tin cans with a sawed-off shotgun
And the coporels and the neighbors clap and cheer with each blast
But farewell Angelina, the sky is trembling, and I must leave fast

King Kong little elves in the rooftops they dance
Valentino-type tangos while the hero's clean hands
Shut the eyes of the dead not to embarass anyone
Farewell Angelina, the sky is flooding over, and I must be gone

The camoflaged parrot, he flutters from fear
When something he doesn't know about suddenly appears
What can not be imitated perfect must die
Farewell Angelina, the sky's flooding over, and I must go where it is dry

Machine guns are roaring, puppets heave rocks
At misunderstood visions and at the faces of clocks
Call me any name you like, I will never deny it
But farewell Angelina, the sky is erupting, and I must go where it is quiet


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создан 06.03.2004, обновлен 03.04.2014 , администрация ZaG

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